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Slide1 I'm Kiera and I Don't
Want You
To Read This
Slide1 i don't want you to read this Is not an
advice book,
that would be a
terrible idea.
Slide1 I wrote a book and I still
don't want you
to read it.

Hi. Hey. Hello. Yo. Hola.

I’m Kiera.

In my new book, “I Don’t Want You to Read This,” I struggled to introduce myself.  Here is no different.

But really, I want a home and an adventure, a life of simplicity, memories over things, a million more firsts, sunny days in the mountains, and mandatory sleep-in Sundays.

You see, I live in the margins.  I’m a million words scattered across journal pages and post-it notes.  The script I’ve written for my future is scrawled and annotated by a Ticonderoga no.2 and rubbed raw with eraser shavings.  I am not weighed down by the permanence of a Sharpie dictating whom I’m meant to be.  I’m constantly (and I do mean constantly) rewriting the end of my story.

Thank you for stopping by – and I’d love to know – What’s your story?

Slide1 i wrote a book I still don't want
you to read it.

I am a writer.

The one without any advice.

I write to remember. I write to remember to share what I’ve learned. About the messes and mess-ups. The breaks and the stains and the deep-seated bruises
and about all the times when I’ve said the wrong things and done the wrong things
and been the wrong thing.

I write about the times I’ve been broken, the times when I’ve healed,
and the times when I’ve stayed broken.

I am a writer.

The kind of writer who is afraid. Always, always afraid that her words will burn you
or even worse afraid that her words may never burn.

I am a writer

and I don’t want you to read this.